Setenta e cinco anos da Revolução Cubana
Desafios, complexidades e perspectivas do socialismo em Cuba
Starting from other studies on Cuban socialism, the objective is to understand, firstly, the transition from the revolutionary spirit and the popular revolution to Cuban socialism and then to analyze the socialist content of the revolution over the decades considering the economy and indicators social. Thus, it is intended to reflect on possible changes and continuations in revolutionary ideology and purposes, as well as their main results. To do so, it is necessary to briefly delve into the history of the revolution and then point out its challenges, complexities and perspectives. Topics such as the principles of socialism on the island, the permanent US embargo, collective ownership of the means of production and the space for forms of private property, productive infrastructures, revolutionary transformations in economic production, income distribution and social policies, international relations, among others, illuminate these seventy-five years and seek to be reflected in this article.
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