
From nostalgia to the ontology of astonishment




Antropologia, Vaporwave, Música, Nostalgia, Internet


The object of the research is Vaporwave. It emerged as a micro-genre of electronic music in the early 2010s, being created from online communities and forums. Using exaggerated distortions, bass sound, and repetitive rhythms, it creates a sensation of displacement from reality. Adding this set of techniques to the musical references of the sound that is remixed we have that Vaporwave is something that constantly updates itself, always based on notions of nostalgia and "uncoupling" from reality. The experience of fruition of these cultural objects is precisely to experience and transit through these spaces of remembrance, reverberation, and temporal plasticity.


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, 新しい日の誕生 (Dream Catalogue, 2015)

Blank Banshee, Blank Banshee 0 (self-released, 2012)

Chuck Person, Chuck Person’s Eccojams Vol. 1 (self-released, 2010)

Eccodroid, Surreal Fashion (Business Casual, 2019)

Eccodroid, Modern Love (Sunset Grid, 2017)

Esprit 空想 , (100% Electronica, 2019)

Internet Club, Vanishing Vision (self-released, 2012)

George Clanton, Slide (100% Electronica, 2018)

James Ferraro, Far Side Virtual (Hippos in Tanks, 2011)

Laserdisc Visions, New Dreams Ltd. (Beer on the Rug, 2011)

Local News, Ghost Broadcast (self-released, 2013)

Luxury Elite, World Class (Crash Symbols, 2015)

Macintosh Plus, Floral Shoppe (Beer on the Rug, 2011)

マクロスMACROSS 82-99, Sailorwave (Fortune 500, 2013)

マクロスMACROSS 82-99, A Million Miles Away (self-released, 2014)

Saint Pepsi, Hit Vibes (Keats Collective, 2013)

S U R F I N G, Deep Fantasy (100% Electronica, 2012)

Porter Vong, You Can Have It All (self-released, 2019)

PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises, Home™ (Beer on the Rug, 2013)

VA:10 , VA:10 (A Vaporwave Anniversary) (My Pet Flamingo, 2019)

Vários artistas, NOP-100: scape | y.7 (No Problema Tapes, 2019)

Vários artistas, Neoncity Cruise (Neoncity Records, 2019)

Yung Bae, Bae (self-released, 2014)

Windows96, Enchanted Instrumentals and Whispers (self-released, 2019)

Windows96, One Hundred Mornings (Business Casual, 2019)

情報デスクVirtual, 札幌コンテンポラリー (Beer on the Rug, 2012)

猫 シ Corp, News at 11 (猫 シ Corp. Self-released, 2016)

猫 シ Corp, Palm Mall (猫 シ Corp. Self-released, 2014)

Referências para endereços acessados na pesquisa

Agora Road’s Macintosh Café - Encontrado em:

Chan /mu - Encontrado em:

Chan /wg - Encontrado em:

Vaporwave Wiki - Encontrado em:

r/makingvaporwave - Encontrado em:

r/VaporwaveAesthethics - Encontrado em:

r/Vaporwave - - Encontrado em:

r/vaporwavehistory - Encontrado em:

r/VaporwaveArt - Encontrado em:

r/VaporwaveCassettes - Encontrado em:

r/futurefunk - Encontrado em:

r/vaporwavesfinest - Encontrado em:

Página do Facebook Vaporwave Brazil - Encontrado em:

Poolside fm - Encontrado em:

Private Suite Magazine - Encontrado em:

Nightwave Plaza - Encontrado em:



How to Cite

Palmieri, L. (2022). Vaporwave: From nostalgia to the ontology of astonishment. Revista Avesso: Pensamento, Memória E Sociedade, 3(1).


