e-Government. Public Administration. Immigration Police Station. Information Technology.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the perception of civil servants, employees and service users of the Immigration Police Station in Ceará about the implementation of e-government in the federal public service.
Results: Analysis of the "gov.br" websites and, in particular, the PF website, as well as the insertion of systems to computerize administrative processes reveal a direction by the federal government towards making the public service more accessible, more efficient and less costly. However, it can be seen that, despite making a contribution, merely making services available online or investing in technologies to digitize processes is not enough to achieve quality and transparency in the public service.
Origin: Society is increasingly looking for convenience and speed in the services it needs, without sacrificing quality, especially in the public sector (BRAGA; ALVES; FIGUEIREDO; SANTOS, 2008). In recent decades, the Brazilian government has been digitizing public services, with the creation of the "gov.br" portal being one of the most recent e-GOV policies (NOGUEIRA Jr. 2019). The Public Governance Model, encompassing elements of managerialism, refers to developmental policies that are guided by network and cooperation management, participatory and competitive management, accountability, transparency and democracy in the public sector (PECI; PIERANTI; RODRIGUES, 2008).
Final Considerations/Conclusion: The results showed that e-government is a strong instrument for quality and transparency in public management, but some considerations should be taken into account to improve digital processes, such as: training employees; maximizing access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and encouraging society to participate in government oversight through digital channels.
Contributions: The insertion of systems to computerize administrative processes reveals a direction by the federal government towards making public service more accessible, more efficient and less costly. However, the presence of human beings is irreplaceable, especially when it comes to decision-making, problem-solving and humanizing public service.
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