Estudo de caso baseado no Decisions Decisions


  • rosemr thies ifsc


Professional and Technological Education; active methodologies; Decisions decisions; learning by works.


This article presents reports on the application of an active methodology, more precisely a case study based on the “decisions decisions” model by Tom Snyders, together with students of the Technical Administration course, at the EPT institution Senai/SC. In addition to promoting an active methodology, this study sought to understand how directing activity towards carrying out labor works can enhance training within the scope of EPT, as recommended by Barato's pedagogy of works, or Pastré's pedagogy of situations. We present the testimonies of the participants, students and teachers, and discuss the results of applying the decisions decisions method, which point to important professionalization effects, since the decision process built in the case study simulation has characteristics similar to those of situations real jobs.


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