A aplicabilidade de pessoalidade é adequada na embriologia, de modo a considerar o embrião humano uma pessoa?


  • Adriano Corrêa da Silva




Human embryo, Anthropological and ethical considerations, Subject threat


This article will approach the confrontation of the concept of human being between the Church and certain groups of scientists, considering that there is currently a debate in bioethics about of the convenience of eliminating this concept and its applicability to the embryo, precisely because there is a disagreement about its theoretical meaning. The effort will focus on presenting what is the theological concept of human parallel on a scientific and philosophical luggage of the term, where there are some discrepancies.

Author Biography

Adriano Corrêa da Silva

Padre Adriano Corrêa da Silva, sjs, é religioso da Fraternidade Jesus Salvador na Diocese de Santo Amaro. Mestrando em Teologia Moral na área de Bioética pela PUC-SP. Leciona no Instituto de Teologia e é vigário, nos finais de semana, na Paróquia de Santa Cruz da própria diocese.