A catholic school bíblical animation
Catholic School, Holy Scripture, Biblical animation, Biblical trainingAbstract
Post conciliar documents of the Church, in which we highlight the Aparecida Document and Verbum Domini, point to the centrality of the Word of God in all pastoral action and also in the Christian life. While Catholic, the confessional schools that fall under the mission of the Church are also challenged to take the Word of God at the center of educational activity. Thus, the text that follows presents guidelines for the preparation of a program of Bible education to collaborate in building a “biblical thinking” in every Catholic school. This would entail the realization of biblical animation of educational action from a careful, prayerful and performative reading. For this, the proposal of “biblical thinking” means from the perspective of the Bible, considering their entire training process and its varied constitution to read the school from the Scriptures and seek the encounter with Jesus Christ and the update of the Word of God.References
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