Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman (Mark 7, 24-30): echoes from a collective memory
Theology, Gospel according to Mark, Syro-Phoenician woman, Social memory, Gender HermeneuticsAbstract
The general objective of the article is to show that the text of Mc 7,24-30 is the result of a collective memory of rhetoric in conflict that is reflected in the dialogue between Jesus and a foreign woman. The Syrophoenician woman is the target of prejudice for her condition as a woman and because she isn’t a member of the covenant people. The article intends to show that hermeneutics throughout history have been ignoring the rhetoric in conflict in this narrative. To accomplish this will be covered the following steps. First a general approach to the biblical text will be made. Second, through a feminist hermeneutic, are shown the power relations in the first century of Christianity, that the text of Mk 7,24-30 underlie. Third, it is shown that even in a conflictive situation, individuals creatively built mechanisms for re-creating socio-religious practices, and how the gender category contributes to the understanding of the power relationships experienced by women in the first Christian communities.
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