Creation theology and evolutionary creationism


  • Lucimar Milagres Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)



Science, Faith, Evolutionary Theology, Evolutionary Creationism, Evolution


Belief in a creator God raises profound and important questions for many of us, especially among religious people and scientists. We present in this work a theology of creation that dialogues with the science of creation, the evolutionary biology. We made a concise approach to the origins through Genesis 1 to 11, following with a focus on the theological repercussion of Darwin’s work on the origin of species. We discuss four types of creationism that are the most publicized in our environment to, finally, expose and defend Evolutionary Creationism, including its theological view of human evolution. This worldview is a modality of evolutionary theism that emphasizes the belief in the Triune God as the Creator and understands biological evolution as a natural process, ordered and sustained by God. We end with the perspectives of some scholars on the existential meaning of human life, the universe and its relationship with the Christian faith. Our expectation is that the clarification of concepts and the demonstration of scientific data can bring light to the debate between faith and science, favoring dialogue and a collaborative work. Once knowledge is well understood and disseminated, many preconceptions can be deconstructed. The transformed mind generates new attitudes, efficient dialogues and persuasive enlightenments

Author Biography

Lucimar Milagres, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Doutora em Ciências na área Imunologia, pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professora Associada da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Contato:


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