Youth, subjectivity and the future of the Church
Youth, Individualism, Subjectivity, Dialogues, Sense, ResistanceAbstract
Since the Aparecida Conference, there has been a clear orientation for the Church to establish a connection with contemporary anthropological issues, especially with regard to subjectivity and its needs. However, the pandemic has exacerbated narcissistic tendencies, leading our subjectivity to sink into a culture of resentment, revealing an excessive individualism that makes it difficult to open up to others, resulting in constant rivalries. This implies a reluctance to ask for help or make an appeal, as such actions are often perceived as “weakness” and vulnerability. Contemporary subjectivity faces challenges when transforming pain into suffering, since dialogue and interlocution are limited. This results in the feeling of falling into an abyss, where meaninglessness prevails. The body, then, seeks immediate and spatial meanings, moving away from the temporalities that enable the experience of otherness and humanity itself. In this context, how do young people position themselves? How can we address the relationship between young people and the future of the Church in these challenging circumstances?
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