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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Instructions to authors

Guidelines for submissions

DELTA adopts a continuous publication process. The papers must be submitted through the DELTA submission page and follow the steps listed below.

(1) Author(s)can register by clicking here. Once registered, the author(s) will be able to access the system by clicking here

(2) Every author must have an ORCID iD to publish in DELTA. 

(3) Every author must fill in the following fields: name, email, institution, and ORCID. In the field "Abstract of Biography" indicate the highest degree of the author, place of work and occupation.

(4) DELTA will publish works by authors with a PhD. Non-doctors may submit papers as long as they are accompanied by a PhD.

(5) On submitting a paper to DELTA, the author(s) agree(s) not to submit it simultaneously to another academic journal. They can only submit their work to another academic journal if it has not been accepted by the referees and by the DELTA Editorial Board.

(6) Papers submitted to DELTA that use data collected directly from human beings must present certification from an ethics committee linked to the author(s) authorizing the use of these data.

(7) Works sent to DELTA should be formatted in APA Style 7th edition (see


(1) Papers from the following discursive genres will be accepted: article (theoretical and applied), squib, essay, review, review article.

  • article – 5,000 to 8,000 words
  • squib – 1,500 to 3,000 words
  • essay – 3,000 to 5,000 words
  • review – 2,500 to 4,000 words, of works published in the last 3 years
  • review article – 5,000 to 8,000 words, of works published in the last 3 years

(2) The title must be left aligned, in bold and sentence case, followed by the title in a second language (authors’ choice), also in bold, sentence case, and left aligned, both in Times New Roman font, size 12.

(3) Two abstracts, from 150 to 180 words each. The abstracts should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, in a single paragraph aligned to the left with no indentation, and 1.5 spacing. For papers written in Portuguese, there must be an abstract in Portuguese followed by one in English. For papers written in English, there must be and abstract in English followed by one in Portuguese. For papers written in Spanish, there must be an abstract in Spanish followed by one in English. For research papers, the authors must make sure to mention the research goals, the theoretical and methodological frameworks, and the results, in the abstracts. For other genres, the authors must make sure to mention the main points of the paper, in the abstracts.

(4) Keywords must be kept to a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5.

(5) The manuscript must be prepared as follows: Times New Roman font, size 12; margins 1 inch or 2.5cm all around; paragraphs with no indentation, 1.5 spacing, left aligned, separated by a blank line from each other.

(6) Footnotes, numbered from 1, can be used along the text, to insert comments, when necessary.

(7) The sections must be numbered, starting at (1) Introduction. Only the References, Acknowledgements, Conflict of interest, Authors’ contributions sections, and the complementary documents section (Annexes/Appendixes, if any) should not be numbered.

(8) The subsections must not be numbered either and must be written in Times New Roman 12pt and in italics.

(9) Complementary documents (ex.: annexes, appendices) must be inserted after the References, numbered from 1 (Ex.: Annex 1, Appendix 1...)

(10) Any kind of acknowledgment (partners, reviewers, funding agency, etc.) can be mentioned in the Acknowledgments section, which should come after the Conclusion section.

(11) After being accepted for publication, all articles must contain a declaration of conflict of interests and authors' contribution, in which the authors must express their full responsibility for the content of their papers. A template for these declarations and formatting of the final version of the paper is available here.

(12) Citations and references should be formatted according to the APA 7th edition guidelines:

- in-text references:

  • two or more authors: ... according to Halliday e Matthiessen (2004, p. 152), ...; In fact, “a flexible mind is a healthy mind” (Palladino & Wade, 2010, p. 147).
  • three or more authors: ... according to Siegmund et al. (2008), ...;
  • two or more authors: ... linguistic relevance (Santos & Alves, 2008).
  • three or more authors: ... after adapting technological resources (Silva et al., 2004), ...

(13) References must include all and only the documents cited in the body of the text. These should be presented in alphabetical order, following the APA Style 7th edition standards. All references must be aligned to the left and separated by a blank line.


Woo, C., & Leon, M. (2013). Environmental enrichment as an effective treatment for autism: A randomized controlled trial. Behavioral Neuroscience, 127, 487–497.

Labov, W. (2001). Principles of Linguistic Change. Blackwell.

Lobato, L. (2000). Formal features and parameter setting: A view from Portuguese past participles in romance future tense. DELTA, 16(Especial), 99-128.

Oliveira, M. A., & Braga, M. L. (1997). On Focussing sentences in Brazilian Portuguese. In G. R. Guy, C. Feagin, D. Schiffrin, & J. Baugh (Eds.), Towards a Social Science of Language, vol.2, Social Interactional Discourse Structures (pp. 207-221). John Benjamins.

(14) Titles for tables, figures and graphs must be written in sentence capital, inserted in the text immediately after being cited, and formatted in APA Style 7th edition. Figures must be saved in .png format, with at least 600 dpi.

(15) For emphasis use italics and not bold or underline.

(16) Do not use idem, ibidem.

Policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in International Academic Journals

1. Introduction:

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has introduced new capabilities and opportunities in the production and review of academic content. However, this innovation also poses ethical and technical challenges. This policy guides the responsible use of AI in our publication, ensuring the integrity, transparency, and excellence of the research we endorse.

2. Use of AI in Manuscript Submission:

2.1. Authenticity and Originality: Authors employing AI to generate or analyze content must ensure that their work is original and makes a meaningful contribution to the field of study. Furthermore, authors should explicitly state the extent of AI's involvement.

2.2. Declaring the Use of AI: All manuscripts utilizing AI, be it in generation, analysis, or any other capacity, must clearly indicate this in the method and materials sections.

3. Use of AI in Peer Review:

3.1. Assistance, not Replacement: AI can be used to assist reviewers in identifying plagiarism, inconsistencies, or other technical issues. However, the final decision on a manuscript's acceptance remains a human responsibility.

4. Ethics and Responsibility:

4.1. Training and Bias: We recognize that AI algorithms can harbor unintentional biases. We commit to using models trained on diverse data sets and to regularly reviewing our systems to detect and rectify biases.

5. Policy Updates:

Given the rapid evolution of AI technology, this policy will be regularly reviewed to reflect current best practices and ensure that we continue to meet academic standards of excellence.

6. Conclusion:

We advocate for the ethical and transparent use of AI, believing in its potential to enrich academic research while upholding the integrity and trust in our publications. We encourage the academic community to join us in this commitment and to actively engage in the ongoing discussion about AI's role in academia.

Obs.: DELTA keeps the copyright of the papers submitted unless it officially withdraws this right on request. Papers submitted are not to be witdrawn after the process of refereeing starts.


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The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.