The Effect of Semantic and Discourse Features on the Use of Null and Overt Subjects – A Quantitative Study of Third Person Subjects in Brazilian Portuguese


  • Eduardo Correa Soares Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis, Santa Catarina
  • Philip Miller Université de Paris
  • Barbara Hemforth Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifi que/Université de Paris


Null Subjects, Animacy, Specifi city, Anaphora Resolution


In a corpus study and two acceptability experiments, we investigate whether semantic and discourse features of the antecedents affect the use of null and overt subjects in Brazilian Portuguese. Previous literature has proposed two hypotheses: the Hierarchy of Referentiality Hypothesis (Cyrino et al. 2000, inter alia) and the Semantic Gender Hypothesis (Creus & Menuzzi 2004, among others). We show that animacy and specifi city affect the relative frequency of null and overt subjects and their acceptability in sentences. We propose an approach that accounts for previously published results as well as our new data in the light of a theory of anaphora resolution (Ariel 1990, etc).



How to Cite

Soares, E. C., Miller, P., & Hemforth, B. (2021). The Effect of Semantic and Discourse Features on the Use of Null and Overt Subjects – A Quantitative Study of Third Person Subjects in Brazilian Portuguese. DELTA: Documentação E Estudos Em Linguística Teórica E Aplicada, 36(1). Retrieved from


