Pourquoi le français? Um estudo de caso sobre ideologias linguísticas


  • Socorro Cláudia Tavares de Sousa UFPB
  • Rossana Koffmann UFCG
  • Andrea Ponte UFPB




ideologia linguística, análise textual, francês, FLE


This work aims to investigate the language ideologies about French present in the texts/discourses of students of French in the city of João Pessoa. To achieve this goal, answers to one of the questions of a questionnaire administered to 174 language school students, exploring the thematic content and textual elements from the perspective of Text Linguistics (Koch, 2000a, 2000b). The analysis was performed based on the discussions of language ideologies (Del Valle, 2007; Arnoux & Del Valle, 2010; and Del Valle & Meirinho-Guede, 2016). Results indicated that the ideas about the French Language (FL) have different connections with social dimensions: aesthetics – FL as a symbol of elegance and refinement and FL as representative of a superior culture; epistemological – FL as the language of science; national identity – FL as the language of France; international identity – FL as the language of diplomacy; and, labor – FL as a language for the labor market.


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How to Cite

Tavares de Sousa, S. C., Koffmann, R., & Ponte, A. (2023). Pourquoi le français? Um estudo de caso sobre ideologias linguísticas. DELTA: Documentação E Estudos Em Linguística Teórica E Aplicada, 39(3). https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-460X202339355723