(Re)discussing the emergence of genres on the web





Emergence of genres, analytical criteria, web.


Since the Paleolithic, human beings have searched for all semiotic resources to be understood. In all communication attempts, we use genres for this. On the internet, it´s common for users use creatively resources avaiable on digital platforms for creative communication, serving different purposes. These actions may be the genesis of some genres, which go through different stages of formation until they stabilize. This work aims to suggest criteria that guide the stage of emergence of genres on the web. Methodologically selected a sample of three memes that circulated on Facebook and one post in Instagram stories, whose criteria were to have more than 100 shares, likes or comments. The analysis is based on the socio-rhetorical approach of genres (Miller, 2009; Bazerman, 2021) linked to a dialogic discourse analisys (Bakhtin, 2016; Volóchinov, 2018). The results show that it is possible to characterize the emergency as a stage of a genre towards standardization, whose features are unity of meaning, lack of identity consensus and remix.

Author Biography

Vicente Lima-Neto, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido

Doutor em Linguística. Professor de Linguística no Departamento de Linguagens e Ciências Humanas (DLCH/ UFERSA)


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How to Cite

Lima-Neto, V. (2023). (Re)discussing the emergence of genres on the web. DELTA: Documentação E Estudos Em Linguística Teórica E Aplicada, 39(4). https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-460X202339457211