About the Journal

Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope 

 To publish scientific and technological advances produced in the field of communication disorders, providing theoretical foundation and updating to professionals and students in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and related areas. One of its differentials is the dissemination of studies and research that make an interface between health sciences and human sciences. It is a specialised journal refereed and published exclusively online, which is open to contributions from both national and international scientific communities.


 Section Policies 


  • Open submissions  
  • Indexed 
  • Peer-reviewed 


  • Open submissions  
  • Indexed 
  • Peer-reviewed 


  • Open submissions  
  • Indexed 
  • Peer-reviewed 

 Letter to the Editor 

  • Open submissions  
  • Indexed 
  • Peer-reviewed 
Peer Review Process

  Only original works in Portuguese, English or Spanish, that have not been previously published, or that are still in the process of being analyzed by another scientific journal, will be accepted for consideration. The following can be sent: Original articles, Communications, Letters to the Editor and Reports.

Papers submitted to the journal, which fulfill the "Instructions to Authors" and which comply with its editorial policy are forwarded to the Editorial Board, that will consider the scientific merit of the contribution. The works approved at this stage are sent to the previously selected rapporteurs. Each work is sent to two rapporteurs of recognized competence in the topic addressed. Anonymity is guaranteed throughout the entire judging process.  


The Distúrbios da Comunicação journal has been a quarterly scientific publication of the Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Course (biannual until 2003 and quarterly until 2013).  However, from 2022 onwards, the publication of the articles will be continuous.

Open Access Mandate  

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making sientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge. 

About access, submission and publication fees 

The Distúrbios da Comunicação journal neither charges any fees from authors to submit nor publish their articles. 

Access to the content published by the  journal is totally free and open to everyone.