Integration of education and service in health training: Pró-Saúde II-PUC-SP and Health Technical Supervision of Fó - Brasilândia /SMSSP/Brasil


  • Maria Cecília Bonini Trenche PUC-SP
  • Maria Cristina Gonçálves Vicentin PUC-SP
  • Altair Cadrobbi Pupo PUC-SP


Health Education, Public Sector, curriculum, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Psychology, Social Work.


This paper aims to highlight some productive meetings between Higher Education Institution andhealth services, since the implementation of the Pró-Saúde, in partnership between the courses of SpeechTherapy, Psychology and Social Service of PUC-SP with the Technical Supervision of Fó/Brasilândiaof the North Coordination Office of the Municipal Department of Health of São Paulo, as well as thetensions and challenges resulting from this process. The analyses were based on data built upon thebalance of this cooperation, which focus on the integration of university and health service. The projectself-evaluation points to the capillarization and consolidation of compromises between university andservices and, consequently, to the possibilities of influencing the training of college education.


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Author Biographies

Maria Cecília Bonini Trenche, PUC-SP

Fonoaudióloga,  Doutora em História e Filosofia da Educação (PUC-SP) e Professora Titular  do Curso de Fonoaudiologia da PUC-SP

Rua Álvaro Rodrigues, 364, casa 1, Vila Cordeiro, CEP 04582000, São Paulo, SP.

Maria Cristina Gonçálves Vicentin, PUC-SP

Psicóloga, Doutora em Psicologia Clínica (PUC-SP) e Professora Assistente Doutora do
Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Social da PUC-SP

Rua Herculano, 272 CEP 01257-030,Sumaré, São Paulo-SP

Altair Cadrobbi Pupo, PUC-SP

Fonoaudióloga,  Doutora em Distúrbios da Comunicação Humana (UNIFESP) e Professora Associada do curso de Fonoaudiologia da PUC-SP

Rua Itambé 316, Apto. 41, Higienópolis, São Paulo, SP



How to Cite

Trenche, M. C. B., Vicentin, M. C. G., & Pupo, A. C. (2014). Integration of education and service in health training: Pró-Saúde II-PUC-SP and Health Technical Supervision of Fó - Brasilândia /SMSSP/Brasil. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 26(4). Retrieved from


