Professional training in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology: the experience report of a student in Education Program at Work - PetSaúde - Mental Health


  • Maria Cecilia Bonini Trenche PUC-SP
  • Raissa Bouman Oliveira PUC-SP
  • Maria Cristina Vicentim PUC-SP
  • Altair Cadrobbi Pupo PUC, São Paulo - SP


Health Education, Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, Mental health, Curriculum, Public sector.


This paper analyzes the contribution of the PetSaúde Program of Health Ministry of Brazil, to the speech language pathologist and audiologist vocational training in the Mental Health field. The program aims to the improvement of health professionals in services and to the undergraduate initiation at work in the Brazilian public Unified Health System (SUS). This is an experience report that brings the training path of a Speech Language Pathology and Audiology student in this program, using narratives procedures such as notes, reports and secondary publications about National Mental Health Policy and vocational training of a Speech Language Pathology and Audiology therapist. The narrative provided reflection on this experience, which involved research and intervention of a multidisciplinary team with an interdisciplinary focus, based on the expanded clinical logic and the use of their tools (genogram, ecomaps, itineraries). In addition, this experience led to the initiation of the student in the National Mental Health Policy, preparing her for the role services that make up the network of full mental health care and the critical reflection of the care models in this field..


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Author Biographies

Maria Cecilia Bonini Trenche, PUC-SP

Fonoaudióloga, Professora Titular do Curso de Fonoaudiologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo , PUC-SP,  SP, Brasil.

Raissa Bouman Oliveira, PUC-SP

Fonoaudióloga, graduada em Fonoaudiologia na PUC-SP, estudante da Residência Multiprofissional  em Saúde da Família da PUC-SP

Maria Cristina Vicentim, PUC-SP

Psicóloga, Professora Assistente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Social da PUC-SP.

Altair Cadrobbi Pupo, PUC, São Paulo - SP

Fonoaudióloga, Professora Associada do Curso de Fonoaudiologia da PUC-SP.



How to Cite

Trenche, M. C. B., Oliveira, R. B., Vicentim, M. C., & Pupo, A. C. (2015). Professional training in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology: the experience report of a student in Education Program at Work - PetSaúde - Mental Health. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 27(3). Retrieved from


