Indicators for a family guidance proposal for families of children in Speech Therapy


  • Luciara de Oliveira Pereira Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás
  • Luc Vandenberghe Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás
  • Lisa Valéria Vieira Tôrres Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás



Family Relations, Child Guidance, Language Disorders, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Family


Objective: To develop a chart with indicators to help elaborate a family guidance proposal for families of children suffering from language disorders and undergoing speech therapy. That will be done by understanding the families’ needs. Method: In 3 different moments of the treatment process, 22 family members of children between 2 and 11 years old who were in treatment, participated in semi-structured interviews for a qualitative enquiry. The analysis of the interviews resulted in 18 indicators, each of them specifying a goal and a guideline for the speech therapist. Results: Based on these indicators, a guidance proposal was constructed to help the professional to attend to the families’ needs, as understood from their perspective. Conclusion: The literature offers few studies about family guidance in speech therapy. Therefore, the present study is based on the needs of the families, emphasizing the importance of taking the family in and guaranteeing respect for the singularities of both patients and their relatives..


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Author Biographies

Luciara de Oliveira Pereira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás

Fonoaudióloga, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Goiânia - GO, Brasil.

Luc Vandenberghe, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás

Psicólogo, Doutor em Psicologia pela Université de l'Etat à Liège e Docente do Departamento de Psicologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Goiânia - GO, Brasil.

Lisa Valéria Vieira Tôrres, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás

Fonoaudióloga, Doutora em Letras e Linguística pela Universidade Federal de Goiás e Docente do Departamento de Fonoaudiologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Goiânia - GO, Brasil.



How to Cite

Pereira, L. de O., Vandenberghe, L., & Tôrres, L. V. V. (2017). Indicators for a family guidance proposal for families of children in Speech Therapy. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 29(1), 97–107.


