Effectiveness in adherence to auditory rehabilitation in children: Family adherence group and initial therapy


  • Bruna Capalbo Youssef PUC-SP
  • Beatriz de Castro Andrade Mendes PUC-SP
  • Eliane de Carvalho e Costa
  • Luisa Barzaghi Ficker PUC-SP
  • Beatriz Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Caiuby Novaes PUC-SP




Hearing, Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids, Group Practice and Narrative Therapy


Introduction: Early diagnosis of hearing loss in children and intervention, are determinants for the development. Use of hearing aids; Family members’ expectations and their implication with treatment are important factors for the prognosis. Objective: This study verified the effectiveness of adherence to rehabilitation, the consistency of the use of hearing aids, participation in the therapies and in the initial phase of the therapeutic process (ADAPTI), in a Municipal Health Service of São Paulo. Method: The research was carried out with hearing impaired children attending a Municipal Health Service, their parents and therapists. This study was quanti/qualitative. We characterize the patients from a demographic, audiological point of view, the consistency of the use of the hearing aids and the effectiveness of adherence. Results: The 25 children were organized into five groups. Of these, 13 were female and 12 male. Twenty four had sensorineural hearing loss. One had conductive loss and the hearing aids were adapted with bone vibrator. Ten had suspicion/presence of other compromises. We classified them according to the ADAPTI outcome. Different prognoses interfered in the orientations, disinterested parents with different demands. Discussion: The group was a facilitator in the process. More homogenous groups lead to greater empathy among participants and greater likelihood of adherence. Distance and SII 65 dB are factors that appear to affect adherence. Conclusion: Homogeneous groups provided greater adhesion; the activities provided discussions that promote adherence to treatment; the group was considered a facilitator. The distance and SII 65 dB seem to affect adhesion.


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Author Biographies

Bruna Capalbo Youssef, PUC-SP

Mestre em Fonoaudiologia em 2017 pela PUC-SP.

Luisa Barzaghi Ficker, PUC-SP

Mestre em Fonoaudiologia PUC-SP em 1983 e doutora em Lingüística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela PUC-SP em  2003

Beatriz Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Caiuby Novaes, PUC-SP

Mestre em Fonoaudiologia pela PUC-SP em 1981, mestre em Educação - Columbia University em 1984 e doutora em Audiology - Columbia University  em 1986.  



How to Cite

Youssef, B. C., Mendes, B. de C. A., Costa, E. de C. e, Ficker, L. B., & Novaes, B. C. de A. C. (2017). Effectiveness in adherence to auditory rehabilitation in children: Family adherence group and initial therapy. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 29(4), 734–748. https://doi.org/10.23925/2176-2724.2017v29i4p734-748


