The education background of speech therapists in the care of aphasics: the opinion of students and graduates in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology


  • Aline Raquel Sembaluk Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste/PR (Graduada).
  • Juliana Marcolino-Galli Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste/PR (Professora adjunta do Departamento de Fonoaudiologia).
  • Michelly Daiane de Souza Gaspar Cordeiro Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste/PR (Professora Substituta no Departamento de Fonoaudiologia).
  • Kyrlian Bartira Bortolozzi Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste/PR (Professora Colaboradora do Departamento de Fonoaudiologia).



, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, aphasia, language, education, higher, Health Human Resource Training.


Introduction: The area of language is a specialty of Speech-Language Pathology, which demands from the professional a definition from the theory point of view about the subject-language relation and its correlation with clinical proceedings. In this context, the treatment of difficulties in speech and/ or writing of aphasic patients imposes specificities on clinical practice and on the training of the language therapist. Objective: The purpose of this research is to present and discuss the opinion of the students of the last grade and egress from the course of Speech-Language Pathology and Audioogy of the CenterWest State University (UNICENTRO) in relation to the care of aphasics. The discourse of students and egress on the relation theory and practice, considering the definition and sustentation of a theoretical perspective in therapeutic procedures with aphasics, was analyzed. Methods: 21 egress and 19 students from UNICENTRO participated in this research. The analysis was interpretative and descriptive, emphasizing the definition of theoretical perspective, experience to attend the specificity of aphasia and relation between theory and practice. Results: There are differences in the responses between students and graduates related to training and praxis. It is assumed that practice during training, coupled with a more homogeneous tendency in the theoretical position on language, strengthen the support of discursiveness. Conclusion: The hypothesis is that the labor market calls for change. Therefore, a curricular reform, besides reviewing disciplines, should consider the student and his experiences to subsidize the formation of a professional who can face the challenges of the profession


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How to Cite

Sembaluk, A. R., Marcolino-Galli, J., Cordeiro, M. D. de S. G., & Bortolozzi, K. B. (2018). The education background of speech therapists in the care of aphasics: the opinion of students and graduates in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 30(1), 16–29.


