Analysis of chewing and swallowing in cerebral palsy with a visual impairment: study of case




Cerebral Palsy, Vision disorders, Chewing, Swallowing Disorder


Introduction: Cerebral Palsy can cause changes in any of the phases of swallowing, causing neurogenic dysphagia. However, neurological disorder and associated visual impairment is a poorly studied topic. The child with the absence of the visual channel, generally has little idea of the structure of the space and even of its body and organizational structure. It is known that Cerebral Palsy has delays in chewing and swallowing patterns, but it is questioned whether visual impairment can interfere or not in this performance. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze chewing functions and swallowing time in children with cerebral palsy and associated visual impairment. Method: This research is exploratory and descriptive in nature, developed through a clinical case study of a child with cerebral palsy and associated visual impairment. Three food consistencies were examined: liquid (juice), pasty (yogurt) and solid (bread), with the time spent swallowing each of them during the normal feeding time being timed. Results: the results showed that the child with Cerebral Palsy and Visually Impaired presents difficulties in chewing function and takes more time to swallow in solid and liquid consistencies. Conclusion: Visual impairment associated with cerebral palsy may accentuate the difficulty in chewing and swallowing functions.


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Author Biographies

Wanessa Moura Costa, Faculdade Redentor Instituto de Desenvolvimento Educacional, Recife, Pernambuco


Gerlane Karla Bezerra Oliveira Nascimento, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Lagarto, Sergipe



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How to Cite

Costa, W. M., & Nascimento, G. K. B. O. (2021). Analysis of chewing and swallowing in cerebral palsy with a visual impairment: study of case. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 33(2), 204–212.


