Effects of teaching of verbal behavior to people with autism spectrum disorder

a systematic review





Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Verbal behavior, Benefit


Introduction: One of the central symptom domains of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the communication deficit, which can present itself in different ways. Objective: Analyze the effects of teaching verbal behavior in people with ASD. Method: Systematic literature review by searching the Scielo, Lilacs and Pubmed databases, using the following descriptors: “autism spectrum disorder”; “Verbal behavior” and “teaching”, as well as their descriptors in the English language. Studies published between 2014 and 2019 were selected, with data that met the theme established in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Results: The search resulted in seven articles. The most frequent verbal operant was the mand, followed by the intraverbal and the echoic. The teaching of verbal behavior had positive effects. On mand, caused the reduction of the occurrence of problem behaviors and helping in a successful social interaction and contributing to an immediate and social control over the environment. The echoic was pointed out as the verbal operant that plays a fundamental role in the teaching of other verbal behaviors. The intraverbal is important for the development of social and academic skills. The limitation of the results consists in not presenting studies referring to all verbal operants, considering only three and the interval of year of publication analyzed. Conclusion: The teaching of verbal operants is important for a better performance and development of functional communication of people with autism, also reflecting on social, academic and playing aspects, in addition to the contribution to reducing the chances of disruptive behaviors.


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How to Cite

Balbino, E. M. S., Lisboa, M. F. de L. S., de Oliveira, N. C. S., & Maximiano-Barreto, M. A. (2021). Effects of teaching of verbal behavior to people with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 33(4), 651–658. https://doi.org/10.23925/2176-2724.2021v33i4p651-658


