Development of a virtual learning environment on children’s language for pediatricians
Language Development, Education, Distance, Telemedicine, Pediatrics, Speech, Language and Hearing SciencesAbstract
Objective: to develop and analyze a virtual learning environment (AVA) on the acquisition and development of children’s language for the guidance of pediatric physicians. Methods: the content was delimited considering the doubts that pediatricians had about the acquisition and development of children’s language and was constructed from a review of the scientific literature. The production of the material followed the developmental stages of instructional design encompassing analysis and planning, modeling, implementation and evaluation. Speech-language pathologists were invited to participate in the assessment of the quality of content and technological resources using the Health-Related Web Site Evaluation Form Emory questionnaire and the Content Questionnaire developed by the researcher. Results: the content included the stages of language development, main characteristics and development milestones in each phase. The material prepared is available at At the AVA evaluation stage, 63 speech-language pathologists who classified the blog as excellent for quality and content participated. Conclusion: an AVA, in a blog format, containing information about the acquisition and development of language was developed in order to guide physicians / pediatricians from typical phases to alterations, prevention, development phases and possible referrals.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Aline Martins, Taisa Cristina de Souza, Camila de Castro Corrêa, Luciana Paula Maximino
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