Promoting the vocal well-being of the teacher
analysis of a distance course
Voice, Voice disorders, Faculty, Health educationAbstract
Introduction: although issues related to the teacher’s voice are extensively researched, few intervention initiatives in the remote modality have been analyzed. Objective: to assess the knowledge of information related to self-care about the voice, from the perspective of teachers, who completed the course “Promoting the Teacher’s Vocal Well-Being” conducted by the Municipal Health School of São Paulo, in the online modality. Method: research, observational and transversal, analyzed the responses of 162 participants given to a questionnaire presented at the beginning and at the end of a course that included eight modules and three face-to-face meetings (total 40 hours). Through the statistical analysis, knowledge of self-care information and practices was compared with the voice. Results: a statistically significant difference was registered at the end of the course, with a report of greater knowledge about care to maintain a healthy voice; how the voice is produced; use of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness resources; observation of the interference of emotions in the voice and thinking of strategies to improve the work environment. The vocal warm-up and cool-down exercises and the resonance exercises were practiced by several subjects below the expected. Conclusion: most of the teachers who participated in the course “Promoting Teacher’s Vocal Well-Being” were sensitized, with a record of greater knowledge about voice production and self-care. Some adjustments must be made in the offer of this course to the next classes, regarding the realization and incorporation in the day-to-day practices presented.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Léslie Piccolotto Ferreira; Raiza Brasileiro Rocha, Daniella Spacassassi Centurion, Thelma Mello Thomé de Souza, Susana Pimentel Pinto Giannini
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