Screening of Dysphagia in Patients with Pulmonary Disease
Deglutition, Deglutition Disorders, Lung Diseases, Mass ScreeningAbstract
Introduction: Lung diseases are often associated with increased morbidity and mortality due to ventilatory impairment and a negative impact on lower airway protection, in addition to favoring a desynchrony between swallowing and breathing, compromising function, pleasure, quality of life, and possibility of death. Objective: To identify the risk of dysphagia in patients with lung diseases. Method: Cross-sectional, descriptive study, carried out from March 2016 to July 2019, in a University Hospital. Patients aged 18 years or over, of both sexes, regardless of associated factors, with sufficient alertness to respond to the instrument were included, and patients with difficulties in understanding sentences and/or instructions, with previous screenings, undergoing speech therapy, unavailability to participate in the study, out of bed or with instability of the clinical condition were excluded. Sociodemographic data and clinical variables were collected, and the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) was applied. For statistical analysis, a 5% level of significance was considered. Results: 99 patients participated with a prevalence of males (54.5%), aged over 60 years (57.6%) and diagnosed with tuberculosis (16.1%). There was risk of dysphagia in 15 (15.2%) patients with a prevalence of pulmonary emphysema (26.6%) and pneumonia (20%). There was no association between risk of dysphagia and sex, age, orotracheal intubation, tracheostomy, alternative feeding route, gastroesophageal reflux, dysphonia and underlying lung disease. Conclusion: Through a quick and simple screening tool, the presence of risk of dysphagia was observed in 15.2% of patients with lung diseases.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Letícia Macedo Penna, Gabriela Salvi da Silva Nascimento, Michelle Ferreira Guimarães, Janaina de Alencar Nunes, Elma Heitmann Mares Azevedo
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