Language, interaction and communicative vulnerability to patient care

a study on the perception of Nursing, Speech-Language Pathology and medicine students




Professional-Patient Relations, Health Communication, Professional Role


Introduction: Communication between men has evolved throughout history. Speech and language impairments can lead to situations of communicative vulnerability, influencing the person’s participation in the therapeutic process and making decisions. Objective: To investigate the perception of future professionals in medicine, speech-language pathology and nursing regarding communication with the patient from experiences in the internship fields. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study, with a sample of 85 students. .An online questionnaire was used for data collection. Results: For most students of speech-language pathology (84.8%) and medicine (65.6%), communication was effective, while nursing students (55%) claimed to feel some difficulty. 35% of nursing students and 28.1% of medical students reported that they had no contact with patients who do not speak, and speech-language pathology students (33.3%) answered that, in these cases, communication is effective, as they used other forms of communication. All considered that not speaking puts the patient in a situation of vulnerability. Conclusion: The results show that communication between patient and future health professional is considered important for all participants. The findings reiterate the importance of the theme in graduation and communication in the patient-professional relationship for the well-being and health of the person, this issue being the responsibility of the team and not only of the speech-language therapist, in view of an integrated and humanized care.


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Author Biography

Regina Yu Shon Chun, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Docente do curso de Fonoauduiologia da UNICAMP


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How to Cite

Carvalho, M. de S., Zerbeto, A. B., & Chun, R. Y. S. (2022). Language, interaction and communicative vulnerability to patient care: a study on the perception of Nursing, Speech-Language Pathology and medicine students. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 34(2), e54339.


