The Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences in the Expanded Family Health Center and Basic Care:
a case study on the characterization of the performance in teacher’s vocal health
Primary Health Care, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Voice Disorders, Occupational Health, FacultyAbstract
Purpose: characterize the performance of speech therapists in the vocal health of teachers, in the context of Primary Health Care, in a city in the Northeast of Brazil. Methods: This is a case study with a qualitative approach. Five professional speech therapists, inserted in the Extended Center of Family Health and Primary Health Care, participated in the research. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews. The data were interpreted by means of the content analysis technique. Results: Speech therapy performance in Primary Health Care and teachers’ vocal health is characterized. Activities carried out by the Centers for Support to Family Health are identified, which favor the recognition of Primary Health Care as a virtuous place for actions to promote health and prevent diseases through actions of surveillance in Worker’s Health. The School Health Program is recognized as a potent device for the realization of intersectorial actions for the implementation of the Work-Related Voice Disorders Protocol. Conclusion: the activities carried out by speech therapy are characterized by health promotion actions, carried out in a team of different health professions that assume the care over a territory. There are limitations and challenges for the best development of the actions that were intensified by the pandemic of COVID-19. It is important that further studies be carried out to deepen the problematic. Speech therapy is a professional category that contributes to people’s health in their places of life and work, making its insertion in the Primary Care of the Unified Health System fundamental.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Wiliane de Souza Martins, José Marcos da Silva, Fabiana de Oliveira Silva Sousa
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