Ankyloglossia and speech disorders
integrative literature
Lingual frenum, Speech disorders, AnkyloglossiaAbstract
Objective: To characterize the speech disorders resulting from ankyloglossia, through an integrative literature review. Methods and Procedures: Bibliographic survey carried out in February 2020, delimited language (English, Portuguese, Spanish) and age (from 6 years old). Articles available in four electronic databases were selected: PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science. Keywords used: lingual frenum; speech disorders; ankyloglossia. Manuscripts published from 2010 to 2020 were included based on metadata analysis that considered title and abstract to identify the relevance for this research. Studies published over ten years ago, those that did not allow access to the full text, manuscripts repeated due to overlapping of descriptors or diverging from the topic were excluded. Results and Discussion: 276 articles were initially identified; after the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, 27 studies were considered. The results showed that subjects with lingual frenulum alterations, mainly ankyloglossia, use varied compensatory strategies of lips, tongue and mandible for the production of the phonemes ‘t’, ‘d’, ‘l’, ‘n’, ‘s’, ‘z’, ‘r’ and consonant clusters, which may present distortion, substitution and/or omission, as their production is hindered by the short frenulum. Otorhinolaryngologists, orthodontists and speech therapists are recommended to conduct careful clinical examination, allowing for diagnosis, in order to obtain satisfactory results in less time and indication of surgical interventions, when necessary. Conclusion: The integrative literature review shows the relationship between ankyloglossia and speech disorders.
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