Coherence in written narratives of children with school difficulties or behavioral complaints
the role of linguistic variables and the influence of schooling
Child Language, Cognition, Narration, Educational Status, Learning DisabilitiesAbstract
Introduction: The written narrative must articulate the main idea through the relation between theme, characters and outcome, being the responsibility of those who write to relate these components to bring them to coherence. Consistency consists of a dependence on macro-linguistic relations (association of the theme of the text with the structures that make it up) and micro-linguistic (connectives that will bring cohesion to the narrative), in order to provide the text with the power of interpretation. Objective: to analyze which linguistic variables are related to the best coherence performance in the written narratives of elementary schoolchildren. Methods: the sample consisted of 37 children aged 7-11 years with no intellectual or hearing deficiency. The written elaboration of each child was classified as adequate (level III and IV coherence according to the instrument used) or inadequate (level I or II coherence). A set of variables that might be related to the performance of the narrative was then analyzed, such as oral comprehension, vocabulary, phonological awareness, morphosyntactic awareness, working memory – phonological loop, reading, and writing. All of these variables were evaluated using standardized tests and statistical analysis was performed using a logistic regression model. Results: among all the linguistic skills evaluated, morphosyntactic awareness (p = 0.02) was the significant variable. In addition to these there was also schooling (p = 0.01), although morphosyntacic awareness showed a negative coefficient while schooling showed a positive coefficient. Conclusion: children with changes in morphosyntactic awareness have a greater chance to elaborate incoherent written narratives, whereas children with higher schooling elaborate more adequate texts.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Patrícia Aparecida Zuanetti, Ana Carolina de Barros Cardoso, Kelly da Silva, Angela Cristina Pontes-Fernandes, Ana Paula Andrade Hamad, Marisa Tomoe Hebihara Fukuda

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