Vocal self-perception and psychism in transsexual people
multiple case studies
Transgender Persons, Transsexuals, Gender Identity, Voice, Voice trainingAbstract
Introduction: The gender transition is a phenomenon that mobilizes different areas of knowledge and Speech-Language Pathology has been weaving research on the subject. Objective: to analyze the relationship between vocal self-perception and psyche in transsexual people. Method: multiple case study. Casuistry: 03 transsexual adults aged between 18 and 40 years. Selection criteria: adults (18 to 44 years old) who declare themselves as transsexuals. Participants were selected from a method defining objects that are part of the social relations of the aura. Procedures: Step 1. Sending the access link to the invitation to participate in the research, the Free and Informed Consent Term and scheduling the individual meeting between the researcher and the participant via WhatsApp; Step 2. Individual meeting of the researcher with each subject to collect the free testimony (audio recording) and send the links to access the Vocal Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Transsexuals (TWVQ) and the Beck Anxiety Scale (EAB). Criteria for analyzing the results: Free testimonial: Content Analysis according to Bardin (2011). TWVQ and EAB: templates proposed by the instruments. In the free statements, 04 thematic categories were highlighted: voice, narratives about childhood, trajectory and family. The TWVQ results indicate positive vocal self-perception only in 01 subject and negative in the others. At EAB, 02 had a moderate level and 01 had a high level. Conclusion: the vocal self-perception of the research studies reveals that the voice plays a fundamental role in gender expressions.
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