Teachers’ perception of the impact of noise in the school environment
Noise, Learning, Faculty, VoiceAbstract
Introduction: noise pollution is present at school; therefore, it is important to know the sources of noise, the impact on the teacher’s health and on teaching. Purpose: to evaluate the perception of elementary school teachers regarding the impact of noise in the school environment, as well as their vocal symptoms. Method: observational, descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study. An inventory was applied, in which 26 teachers from the municipal network of the city of Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, (SC). participated. A questionnaire was applied with questions related to age, gender, working time, daily workload, impact and perception of noise in the school environment. The Voice Disorders Screening Index was used, a screening to identify risk for voice disorders in teachers. For the analysis of the association of results, the chi-square test was used, with a significance level of 5%. Results: 53.57% of the teachers answered that there is excessive noise in the school and 57.14% consider that the noise inside the room harms the activities. The most disturbing external and internal sources of noise are courtyard, corridor, parallel conversations and fan. As for the reported vocal symptoms, the following stand out: dry throat, tiredness when speaking, throat clearing and hoarseness. Full-time teachers complained more about throat clearing. Conclusion: the subjects have the perception that the school environment is excessively noisy and causes damage to the development of activities. The participants have few voice-related complaints, the most frequent being dry throat. In addition, teachers who teach full-time had significantly more complaints of throat clearing.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Magda Silva Gomes, Ana Carolina de Assis Moura Ghirardi, Renata Coelho Scharlach

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