Childhood chronic illness

from body marks to symbolic marks




Illness, Hospitalization, Disease, Psychoanalysis, Children’s health


Introduction: Chronic illness and hospitalization bring experiences to children that are threatening from both a physical and psychological point of view. Falling ill is a complex, disruptive and traumatic experience, which causes emotional overload for children and their families. Objective: to understand the scenario of childhood illness and hospitalization, linking body marks to symbolic marks.Method:This is qualitative, exploratory theoretical-clinical research in the field of psychoanalysis. Result: The process of chronic illness places the subject in a subjective drama with the need to mourn and deal with the narcissistic wound and even think about death in the face . The hospital gains symbolic contours beyond the space for treating the disease and its symptoms: a place where the disease insists on showing itself and remaining. Conclusion: Illness involves components beyond the biological, cognitive and emotional dimensions, being crossed by subjective and symbolic issues that guide the way the subject will deal with their ill body, therefore implying reflections on the child as the protagonist of their process and listening of the subject in its symbolic dimension.


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Author Biographies

Solange Aparecida de Araújo, Pontíficia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

He holds a degree in Psychology from Universidade São Judas Tadeu (1999). Specialist in Child Psychology/ Unifesp (2003). Specialist in Hospital and Health Psychology /CRP (2013). She is currently a psychologist at the Associação Paulista para o Desenvolvimento da Medicina - Hospital São Paulo. Hospital Psychologist in the Mental Health Sector of the Department of Pediatrics at UNIFESP. Preceptor of the hospital internship for students specializing in Child Psychology. Assist in classes and activities with medical and medical residency students regarding the doctor-patient relationship, construction of a professional role and multidisciplinary teamwork, aspects of Mental Health - Pediatrics integration . Member of the Advisory Center for Child Victims of Violence of the Department of Pediatrics. Master in Human Communication and Health. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC) in the research line Language, Body and Psyche.

Regina Maria Ayres de Camargo Freire , Pontíficia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

holds a degree in Speech Therapy from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1967), a master's degree in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1980), a doctorate in Education (Educational Psychology) from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1990) and post-doctorate at USP - Ribeirão Preto campus in the Educational Psychology department (1995). He is currently a full professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, teaching classes in Speech Therapy and Physiotherapy courses and in the Postgraduate Program in Human Communication and Health. He has clinical experience and is currently working on establishing new paradigms for understanding the Speech Therapy Clinic , with regard to therapeutic procedures in language pathology and also in the acquisition of oral and written language. Its theoretical basis shares with linguistics and Lacanian psychoanalysis the fundamental questions that require a positioning specific to the speech-language pathology field.


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How to Cite

Araújo, S. A. de, & Freire , R. M. A. de C. . (2024). Childhood chronic illness: from body marks to symbolic marks. Distúrbios Da Comunicação, 36(2), e66826.


