Audiological screening in hearing health care for hospitalized elderly people
Presbycusis, Screening, Aged, Hearing LossAbstract
Introduction: Presbycusis, a hearing loss caused by aging, negatively affects the quality of life of the elderly. Hearing screening can identify hearing loss in this population, particularly in those with limited access to specialized services. Objective: To analyze the results of opportunistic hearing screening using the Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly Screening Version (HHIE-S) questionnaire and the whisper test (WT) in hospitalized elderly. Methods: Hospitalized patients over 60 years of age, with and without hearing complaints, answered the HHIE-S questionnaire and underwent the WT. Results: Fifty elderly individuals, with a mean age of 69 years, 58% of whom were male, were evaluated. It was observed that 56% of the participants had a hearing handicap. There was a significant dependence between male gender and the perception of handicap (p=0.0077). Regarding the WT, 36% failed in at least one ear. There was a dependence between the HHIE-S and the WT (p=0.042). Conclusion: Both the HHIE-S questionnaire and the WT are useful in screening for hearing loss. The correlation between the two tests suggests that both can be complementary in assessing hearing loss in the elderly. This study found a dependence between sex and the perception of hearing handicap, and an association between the HHIE-S and the WT, as the correlation between the handicap condition (with or without) and the distribution between those who passed or failed the whisper test differed.
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