The objective of this scientific research was to review studies that analyzed the historical trajectory of mental health in Brazil, as well as the relevance and impact of neuroscience studies for humanistic matters of law and its consequent application to criminal proceedings.
Currently, there are few studies that discuss the influence of brain functioning on crimes.
Therefore, it is important to describe that this deficiency may be present in individuals who commit crimes. So, the question arises: would the neurological and cognitive deficit be able to make an individual commit a crime?
Most of the studies reviewed here believe that the hypothesis that the individual with a human brain with deficient characteristics may commit crimes is promising.
Given the relevance of these findings, it is necessary to consider the importance of investments in this area and a deeper understanding of the subject. This would contribute to a better sense of justice in the country, as a person who commits a crime, due to a brain malfunction, could have the possibility of a differentiated judgment in relation to those who are in good cognitive and neurological functioning.
In addition, with investment in this research area, there is the possibility of previous diagnoses of these deficits in individuals with a tendency towards psychopathy or acquired sociopathy. In addition, it is important to invest, not only in medical treatments, but also in activities that stimulate cognitive development in terms of empathy, civility, positivity and communication skills. In this way, the individual affected by the damage can develop an improvement in reciprocal social development, thus avoiding an increase in the number of crimes committed due to the low ability of brain functioning.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Maria de Lourdes Guedes Neta, Marcelo Amaral Colpaert Marcochi, Amanda Santalucia Ribeiro
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