Between the cult of tradition and the exclusivist elitism
notes on the social construction of the technical-juridical language in brazilian law
Legal language, legal tradition, language erudition, “jurisdiques”, technicalities, linguistic analysisAbstract
This article aims to analyze the technical-legal language existing in brazilian forensic practice, pointing out the main elements that specify it and differentiate it from the colloquial portuguese language used in many sectors of brazilian society. Through understanding these distinctive elements, technical-legal language could be conceived as a specific dialect inserted into brazilian portuguese language that, although it shares its central elements, has its own characteristics. In a second moment, we tried to investigate the origins of this differentiated characteristic, analyzing the two main hypotheses in vogue in the academic scenario, namely, that this distinct vocabulary would be used as a method of exclusivist differentiation by the jurists beside other social sectors, or that it would be the result of the respect for a rich tradition of Law built in Brazilian society.
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