Investigating self-assessment and english language teaching


  • Eliana Kobayashi Instituto Federal de São Paulo


Self-assessment, English language teaching, English language assessment


This paper presents part of the results of a qualitative study on self-assessment and English language in high-school, which compares the students’ self-assigned grades and the ones from tests developed by the teacher, based on the concept of performance-oriented self-assessment. The self-assigned grades and the teacher’s grades on an oral task based on criteria previously discussed are compared using the statistical method T-test for paired samples. The results show the difference between the two grades is statistically significant and raise questions and outlines for the use of self-assessment in class.  

Author Biography

Eliana Kobayashi, Instituto Federal de São Paulo

Mestre e doutora em Linguística Aplicada

Docente de línguas do Instituto Federal São Paulo


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How to Cite

Kobayashi, E. (2021). Investigating self-assessment and english language teaching. Intercâmbio, 49, 1–18. Retrieved from


