a corpus linguistics and multimodal imaging analysis approach
Corpus Linguistics, Multi-dimensional Image Analysis, Twitter, ImagesAbstract
This article seeks to analyze the hashtag #eunaovoutomarvacina (#nottakingthevaccine), through a compilation of a Twitter-based corpus. Corpus Linguistics was adopted as the main method of research, more specifically Multidimensional Image Analysis (Berber Sardinha, 2022), to study 2,600 images in 17,267 tweets, spanning the period of the start of the Covid-19 pandemic until mid-November 2021. The data reveal three semantic dimensions that can be identified and interpreted as: (1) Mockery of the collective fanaticism versus Politicization/Judicial activism of the vaccine, (2) Satire of the anti-vaccine discourse, (3) Discourse of the relation between power and exploitation of the vaccine for personal use.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2022 Tony Berber Sardinha, André Luiz Siqueira Alencar, Cicero Soares da Silva, Cristina Borges Gil, Maurício José Ferreira Lopes, Stephan Arthur Solomon Hughes
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.