Indigenous childhod study: interdisciplinarity in yeachers’s training to a dialogue with arts
Interdisciplinary. Teachers. Arts. Indigenous culture.Abstract
this article is part of a postdoctoral research and seeks to understand, through the interdisciplinary perspective, while teaching arts, the teaching actions in early childhood education among the Terena indigenous culture. We investigated about the techer’s training according to an interdisciplinarity perspective. The research conditions led us to think about the indigenous infant’s universe, which directed us to the following questions: how to deal with childhood sociology and not inquire about how indigenous children dialogue with art? Also, in the same direction, how do preschool education teachers extend their repertoire when facing the reduction of material and immaterial cultural values and the artistic manifestations of the indigenous people? Our focus in is on the person of the indigenous teacher in primary education seeking to apprehend the representations of the subjective world and their expectations as an immanent desire in their educational, artistic and cultural area. Concerning methodology, we follow the steps of interdisciplinary practice under the guidance of professor Ivani Fazenda as a beacon of the way. We use qualitative, bibliographical and empirical research methods which relies on intervention practice. The procedures included literature surveying and reviewing in order to build a state of art of the subject in question, such as: how the teacher’s view of early preschool education has been constituted in the educational process when related to art in the indigenous culture? As result, we present an investigative theoretical framework of primary indigenous school education in teacher development likewise; we identified how to integrate art with the different areas of knowledge, within the interdisciplinary approach in early preschool pedagogical material; a way to promote a dialogue between arts and the reality of the indigenous culture to value individual and collective history of the indigenous child.
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