SCHOOL CURRICULUM , IDENTITY and GLOBALIZATION: challenges and pathways to the educator in contemporary times.




curriculum, globalization, Identities, interdisciplinarity.


This article raises reflection on new challenges and paths to an educator in contemporary times by correlating the curriculum course, globalization and identity formation in the school context. It allows the understanding that curricular theories are developed by the transformations of man, in the political, economic and cultural setting, as well as the educators participating in the process of forming students's identities. It discusses globalization, even if it is an ideology, provokes changes and creates ‘forces’, or ‘battles’ to the educator in their daily lives, bringing a conflictive educational field between the existing model and the new emerging paradigms. As a path to these challenges, it is suggested a work based on interdisciplinary permeated by self-knowledge. This process is represented symbolically by the ' Trojan horse ' because according to the story told in the book ' the Iliad ' by Homer, it is one of the main symbols of the famous Trojan war used as a strategy by the Greeks to defeat the Trojans. The Greek Warrior Odysseus had the idea of building a huge horse and gave it to the Trojans as a symbolic gesture of surrender. The Trojans accepted the ' gift ' and led the horse into the walls of Troy. Hundreds of Greek soldiers left the horse and attacked the city. So, the metaphor includes at the same time, obscure, unconscious aspects, ‘surprise ' elements and creative features that can be revealed in this 'field of struggles’ in the educational context. In this way, the interdisciplinary attitude and self-knowledge would facilitate the expansion of the teacher´s consciousness towards the promotion of learning facilitators to bring out autonomous subjects  integrated with their nature and essence.

Author Biography


Possui graduação em Psicologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1990) e mestrado em Educação (Currículo) pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2010). Atualmente é doutoranda em em Educação (Currículo) na área de Interdisciplinaridade, com orientação de Dra. Ivani Fazenda Catarina Arantes , pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2015), pesquisadora do Centro de difusão e estudos da Consciência, estudante dos grupos de pesquisa do Gepi e Interespe ( PUC/SP). Psicólogo autônomo - consultório particular, orientadora profissional e professora convidada do Centro Universitário Ítalo Brasileiro. Tem experiência na área de Psicologia, com ênfase em Psicologia junguiana. E-mail:


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