BIBLOS: a mobile app to encourage adolescentes to read and study the Bible daily


  • Samantha Adeline Córdova da Silva UnifacvestLages – SC


Bible, gamification, Android, app, Mobile development.


 In many Christian churches, adolescents and youngs people have noticed a lack of interest and a certain difficulty in maintaining the habit of reading and studying the Bible on a daily basis and due to their search for tools to help change this situation. The following project details the development of an app for mobile, aimed at this audience. It is a new technology available to Christian churches of Protestant and Catholic orientation. This strained biblical devotional motivated the Christian teenager to keep in the habit of reading the Bible on a daily basis and thus helped him get a better understanding of the contents of this book and made available to the youth and youth departments a new evangelistic tool. Through documentary research of a qualitative nature, the case study method for data collection and understanding the needs of the project is followed. Despite the difficulties encountered in locating materials of safe and reliable origin, a satisfactory diversity was reached, which gave excellent value to the literature review.

Key Words: Bible, gamification, Android, app, Mobile development.

Author Biography

Samantha Adeline Córdova da Silva, UnifacvestLages – SC

SAMANTHA ADELINE CÓRDOVA DA SILVA. Centro Universitário UnifacvestLages – SC – Brasil.


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