Effects of Water Pilates method in emotional aspects of elderly sedentary
Elderly, Body Image, Modalities of Physiotherapy.Abstract
The objective was to evaluate the effects of the Water Pilates Method (PA) in emotional aspects of sedentary elderly women. We evaluated 30 elderly women, pre and postPA, and were used the instruments: Body Appreciation Scale (BAS), Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES), and Aging Perception Questionnaire (APQ). The analysis was descriptive andt-test was used for paired data or Wilcoxon. There was a significant improvement in the BAS, RSES, in some APQ domains: chronic timeline, positive consequences, and negative consequences, and didn’t occur in the positive control, negative control, and emotional representation. It is concluded that the practice of Water Pilates was realized as an empowering experience to increase health levels and promote active aging.