Dispositivos de apoyo formal
motivos de ingreso y apoyos percibidos desde la perspectiva de las personas mayores
aging, devices, social supportAbstract
Each person ages differently, which is why society has to offer devices that respond to the multiple demands of this group. This article presents the results of a study whose objectives were: first, to explore and compare the reasons that lead older people to enter long-stay residences, day clubs or educational workshops; second, to investigate the weaknesses and strengths of these facilities from the perspective of older people. To this end, an exploratory, descriptive study was carried out with the participation of people of both sexes between 75 and 90 years of age who lived in or attended the mentioned facilities. From a qualitative approach, three group interviews were carried out, one in each facility. The stories that emerged from each interview made it possible to understand the importance of the existence of these facilities in the lives of the elderly and the support they provide to them and their families.
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