Humor contra o fim do mundo:

o tempo para pensar o ser e suas experiências


  • Renan De Simone PUC-SP


fim do mundo, experiências humanas, humor, sobrevivência, tempo


Abstract: This article seeks to demonstrate how some cultural symptoms point to a kind of hope revealed at “the end of the world”. Through humor as an expression of the prevalence and indestructibility of the ego, a relation is stablished with the little survivals of human experiences among the chaos and fragmented discourses of our hurried, volatile, hyperconnected contemporary society. The relation is established from the song It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine), by the band named R.E.M., which had a considerable rise in streaming services in early 2020, when the covid-19 world pandemic settled.

To bring such parallels, authors such as Freud, Didi-Huberman, Marcondes Filho and Heidegger dialogue, pointing out the paradox of speaking at the end of the world from humor and time necessity, which can be seen as a way of survival of little experiences, a voice of resistance, laughing at the world and its dangers faced by our human fragility.

Keywords: end of the world; human experiences; humor; survival; time.

Author Biography

Renan De Simone, PUC-SP

Jornalista formado pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, especializa-se agora em Semiótica Psicanalítica – Clínica da Cultura pela PUC-SP.

É também repórter, consultor em Comunicação e articulista da área, além de escritor, contista e cronista, com dois livros de ficção publicados: A Elite (2011) e Memórias de um Universitário (2012).

