The metropolis as a space-a kind of sensory experience


  • Julieta M. de Vasconcelos Leite


Georg Simmel, metropolis, aesthetical experience


The sensory experience of the metropolis analyzed by Georg Simmel in the late nineteenth century represents a way to characterize the modern culture. Describing the various facets of the city, he founded a sensible theory of modernity, constructed from the awareness of a spatial reconfiguration that corresponds to new forms of social relations and collective existence. This point of view opens a perspective for urban studies based on the sensitivity and subjectivity. The aim of this paper is to revisit Simmel’s analysis of metropolis as a proposition for an aesthetic approach of socio-spatial manifestations in urban space, from which we could envision contemporary metropolis transformations.

How to Cite

Leite, J. M. de V. (2013). The metropolis as a space-a kind of sensory experience. Cadernos Metrópole, 13(26), 451–459. Retrieved from