Electoral strategy under open-list proportional representation


  • Barry Ames


geography, vote, parochialism, pork barrel


The current paper discloses a distinctive trait of the open-list proportional representation adopted in Brazil. In such a system, congressmen are in fact elected from four spatial patterns or constituencies: concentrated-dominant municipalities, shared municipalities, scattered-shared municipalities and dominant municipalities. Through the analysis of budgetary amendments made by congressmen the article sheds light on pork barrel practices that stem from our electoral system. The article also correlates variables of political career with spatial patterns of vote distribution, tries to discriminate safe seats in Brazil and, finally, the payoff of distributive and parochial attitudes.

How to Cite

Ames, B. (2013). Electoral strategy under open-list proportional representation. Cadernos Metrópole, 14(27), 59–87. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/metropole/article/view/14781