The weight of the metropolitan vote: the representativeness of metropolitan regions in the Legislative Assembly of Paraná


  • Jéferson Soares Damascena
  • Celene Tonella


representation metropolitan, State legislature of the Paraná, election of 2006, representation, metropolitan vote


In the last few decades the metropolises had had the recognition of its relevance in the urban dynamics. However, this very fact has not happened with the politicization of the metropolitan issue. One searches to test the hypothesis of that the recklessness in relation to the questions metropolitans has a causal nexus with the Brazilian representative system. This very system that in its implementation tends to undermine the capacity of parliamentary representation of the country's most urbanized centers. In this sense, we review the current composition of the legislative assembly of Parana – ALEP, based on the territorialization of votes cast by parliamentarians elected in 2006 in the metropolitan regions (MRs) polarized by Curitiba, Maringa and Londrina. From the electoral maps, it is verified that an under-representation of the regions occurs metropolitans in the Assembly. Concomitantly, it has an overrepresentation of the city-polar region, in detriment of the other cities of the RMs.

How to Cite

Damascena, J. S., & Tonella, C. (2013). The weight of the metropolitan vote: the representativeness of metropolitan regions in the Legislative Assembly of Paraná. Cadernos Metrópole, 14(27), 89–114. Retrieved from