Fragmentation of a precarization scale. References to conventional urban structuring


  • Rafael Monroy Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos.


territorial fragmentation, precarization, regional development


Developing countries play the role of supplying the contemporary economy. The territorial and social conditions of the place refer to the scale fragmentation process and to the increase in the poor population because there is a tendency of unrestricted use of land in order to convert it into an urban and productive place. In the Mexican case, the loss of land used for agricultural purposes implies a reduction in basic food production for the population, particularly corn. Furthermore, the substitution of forests and woodlands is associated with the overexploitation of aquifers in the country’s most populated region. In addition, the records of low housing conditions indicate that a little more than 60% of the population are in this situation, which does not justify the adoption of such strategies.

Author Biography

Rafael Monroy, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos.

Dr en Economía. Profesor investigador de tiempo completo facultad de arquitectura universidad autónoma del estado de Morelos. profesor de asignatura definitivo facultad de arquitectura universidad nacional autónoma de México. miembro del sistema nacional de investigadores y perfil promep. coordinador academico de la maestria en estudios territoriales, paisaje y patrimonio



How to Cite

Monroy, R. (2015). Fragmentation of a precarization scale. References to conventional urban structuring. Cadernos Metrópole, 17(33), 243–264. Retrieved from