The origin of chaos – the mobility crisis in Rio de Janeiro and the threat to urban health


  • Renato Gama-Rosa Costa
  • Claudia G. Thaumaturgo da Silva
  • Simone Cynamon Cohen


urban mobility, urban health, environmental health, means of transport, Rio de Janeiro


This article approaches urban mobility and its consequences to urban health. In addition, it presents recent studies about the subject and the historical reasons that have transformed the automobile into the main Brazilian means of transport, at least to the higher classes, to the detriment of public transport, used by the great mass of workers. The excessive use of automobiles affects air quality, and this, added to stress, vibration and noise, damages the health and the quality of life of the population that is exposed to the problems caused by long traffic jams. In Rio de Janeiro, this phenomenon has reached a delicate stage, in the moment that the metropolis is preparing itself to receive the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games.

How to Cite

Costa, R. G.-R., Silva, C. G. T. da, & Cohen, S. C. (2013). The origin of chaos – the mobility crisis in Rio de Janeiro and the threat to urban health. Cadernos Metrópole, 15(30), 411–431. Retrieved from