The Jundiaí Urban Agglomeration and challenges to São Paulo’s metropolitan mobility


  • Adriana Fornari Del Monte Fanelli
  • Wilson Ribeiro dos Santos Junior


urban agglomeration of Jundiaí, networks of cities, socio-spatial segregation, urban mobility, metropolis studies


This paper focuses on the inclusion of the Jundiaí Urban Agglomeration (JUA) in the São Paulo metropolitan environment aiming to provide elements for the understanding of intrametropolitan mobility, as this “interstitial urban agglomeration” (Emplasa, 2011) is located between the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Campinas, with which it has strong connections. The paper intends to expand the knowledge about this newly created regional organization, using demographic data and socioeconomic indicators. It analyzes mobility as a structural factor of the urban form of the JUA based on the interdependence relations of its component cities, on the study of the vectors of the intrametropolitan expansion of the JUA, on the urban sprawl along the highways and on the expansion of the socio-spatial segregation that accompanies the redistribution of the population in the regional context.

How to Cite

Fanelli, A. F. D. M., & Santos Junior, W. R. dos. (2013). The Jundiaí Urban Agglomeration and challenges to São Paulo’s metropolitan mobility. Cadernos Metrópole, 15(30), 461–487. Retrieved from