Expansion dynamics of the Brasília-Anápolis-Goiania urban-regional arrangement


  • Marcos Bittar Haddad Economista, mestre em Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Territorial pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, doutorando do Programa de Desenvolvimento Econômico do Instituto de Economia da Unicamp, bolsista Capes.
  • Rosa Moura Geógrafa, doutora em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Paraná, bolsista do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA/PNPD) e pesquisadora do Observatório das Metrópoles (INCT/CNPq).


urban-regional arrangement, urban expansion, real estate market, Brasília, Anápolis, Goiânia


Urban-regional arrangements are a socio-spatial category that articulates agglomerations and centers in one unit. They are configured under a fast qualification/disqualification of spaces through redefinition of functions, and create extensive territories permeated by urban voids. This category is representative of the contemporary stage of metropolization, which has started engendering new urban morphologies that are articulated and dense, but discontinued, and support the geographical enlargement of the accumulation process. Having as object the Brasília-Anápolis-Goiânia arrangement, we discuss, in this article, its current expansion dynamics, the action of the real estate industry, under the strong influence of income generated by agribusiness, and regional implications. Specifically in the expansion model of Goiânia and Anápolis, we attempt to show that the wealth generated in the surroundings induces urban valuation without reducing the existing inequality, which is intensified when increasingly fragmented spaces are created.



How to Cite

Haddad, M. B., & Moura, R. (2016). Expansion dynamics of the Brasília-Anápolis-Goiania urban-regional arrangement. Cadernos Metrópole, 18(36), 503–533. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/metropole/article/view/2236-9996.2016-3610