The expansion of the macrometropolis and the creation of new metropolitan regions: a new trend for institutional metropolization in the state of São Paulo?



metropolitan management, institutional metropolization, regional planning, São Paulo macrometropolis


The article evaluates São Paulo’s metropolitan management from 2010 onwards, in light of the state government’s regulation of new metropolitan regions and the consolidation of the São Paulo macrometropolis as a regional scale of planning. The asymmetries of the Brazilian federalism concerning the conflictive and competitive character of intergovernmental relations have been one of the main obstacles to the consolidation of the metropolitan management. With the Metropolis Statute, which came into force in 2015, the new federal legislation reinforces the necessary reflection on the trends of institutional metropolization, which, in the case of São Paulo, has not yet succeeded in overcoming the persistent socio-spatial inequalities expressed in the urbanmetropolitan tissue.

Author Biographies

Henrique Rezende de Castro

Doutor em Urbanismo pela PUC-Campinas, mestre em Ciência Política e bacharel em Ciências Sociais pela UFRJ.

Wilson Ribeiro dos Santos Júnior, PUC-Campinas

Prof. Dr. no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Urbanismo da PUC-Campinas



How to Cite

de Castro, H. R., & Santos Júnior, W. R. dos. (2017). The expansion of the macrometropolis and the creation of new metropolitan regions: a new trend for institutional metropolization in the state of São Paulo?. Cadernos Metrópole, 19(40), 703–720. Retrieved from